Pregnancy & Postpartum Date Nights in Metro Detroit

Pregnancy & Postpartum Date Nights in Metro Detroit

Whether you are looking for a stay-cation style babymoon, are aiming to ease those pregnancy cravings, or are finally able to go get the sushi you’ve been dreaming about for the last 9 months, we have some favorite date night ideas for Metro Detroit.

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3 Common Baby Sleep Myths

I don’t mess around when it comes to sleep and so when I hear these sleep myths being shared on Facebook Mom Groups or from well-meaning grandparents, I feel compelled to step in and set the record straight!

Sleeping too much during the day will negatively affect night sleep

No way, no how. NO. NO. NO. This myth is one that I hear SO frequently and it is the one that just makes me so upset.

Yes, newborns don’t have a developed circadian rhythm and can sleep more soundly during the day then at night. But once the circadian rhythm is established, consistent, well-timed naps will actually make night sleep better! If you’re keeping your baby up in the hopes that they’ll sleep better at night, all you’re doing is stressing your baby out and making them over tired, almost guaranteeing that they’ll sleep worse at night.

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6 Ways to Support Restful Sleep for Your Family

6 Ways to Support Restful Sleep for Your Family

When I tell people I’m a Pediatric Sleep Coach, I often get the response “Can you teach ME how to sleep better?”

My answer: “Yes, but you might not like what I tell you to do!”

That always gets a few laughs, mostly because it’s true and adults cognitively recognize that they don’t prioritize sleep as much as they probably should. But, I give the advice just the same because you never know what’s going to resonate with someone. It’s always possible that a simple tip surrounding sleep hygiene or nighttime routines will click and improve someone’s quality of sleep.

For clients, I tailor my guidance for each family’s own needs, routine, and lifestyle, but in general, here are the 6 most significant ways you can support restful sleep for the whole family!

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Our 3 Favorite Bedtime Books

Our 3 Favorite Bedtime Books

One of my biggest pieces of advice as a sleep coach is to establish a bedtime routine early in your child’s life (or even in utero!) and to stick with it throughout their childhood. Creating a bedtime routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep it simple with a bath, maybe a little infant massage, and include 5-10 minutes of stories or sleepy songs depending on the age of your child. Picking 1-2 books for a bedtime routine with your infant is a good start.

Here are a few of our favorite bedtime stories that can enhance your family’s bedtime routine and help your little one drift off to a peaceful sleep.

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What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for Delivery Day

If your due date is drawing near, you’re probably thinking about getting your hospital bag ready to go. Packing your hospital bag well in advance will ensure you don’t forget any essential items at home on the big day — like your cellphone charger! That said, it’s also easy to go overboard and pack a lot of stuff you don’t need, adding unnecessary bulk to your bag. To help you keep it simple, Detroit Dreams Tonight shares some insights. Here’s everything you need to pack — and a few things that you don’t — for a comfortable stay in the hospital.

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Preparing your baby to "fall back"

Fall is in the air! The days are feeling shorter, the sun is setting sooner, and things are cozier all around! And with the changing seasons, comes another change... the time change! I find this is something we all dread – not only because it means Summer is officially over, but because “falling back” often affects our mood and our sleep. And if it affects us as adults, you can understand how and why it would affect babies too!

As a Pediatric Sleep Coach, I help my clients and their babies adjust to time changes, address sleep regressions, and tackle any other major sleep issues. I find the easiest way to do this is to create a plan that you can execute with confidence.

So rather than losing an hour of sleep, I'm here to share some pro-tips and make this dreaded time change a easier on all of you!

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How to survive sleep deprivation with a newborn

The concept of exhaustion takes on a new meaning when you have a baby. New parents are often surprised at how tired they feel or comment that they were totally unprepared for how it would affect their mood and their overall lives. We’ve experienced first hand how difficult it can be to take care of yourself when your baby is waking to eat every 2-3 hours around the clock, but hopefully these tips will help you get some more shut yet until your baby’s development allows for longer stretches of sleep.

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Surviving Sleep Regressions

Raise your hand if you’ve been up at 2am googling “4 month sleep regression” or “why did my baby all of a sudden become a bad sleeper?” or “how to survive a sleep regression”. Yep, we’ve been there and oh my gosh does it suck! While sleep regressions are temporary, knowing that doesn’t make them any easier to handle! That’s why we’ve compiled this helpful guide to survive sleep regressions.

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Newborn Sleep Cues: How to Know When Your Baby is Tired

Let's talk about baby sleep cues! As sleep coaches, this is one of the most asked questions for the newborn stage. It’s important to set the foundations of healthy sleep habits in the early months of your baby’s life before they are developmentally ready to sleep train.

Your newborn is so aware and communicates their needs to you throughout the day. Here are some signs that your little one is ready for a nap or bedtime:

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6 Signs You Need More Sleep

Is your baby up all night? Or waking constantly? Is “napping” basically a cuddle session that ends the moment you put your baby down in the crib? Are you beginning to think that sleeping through the night is a myth? If so, you might be a sleep deprived parent!

Frankly, sleep deprivation sucks and it's something that we at Detroit Dreams Tonight are on a mission to end.

Here are six signs you need more sleep and should seriously consider hiring us!

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6 Reasons to Hire a Sleep Coach

Hiring someone to help your baby learn how to sleep is a reality of modern parenting and yet it continues to be a source of resistance for many parents. I know it can be tough to ask for help. Some parents have expressed feeling guilt over hiring someone to sleep train, others are worried they’ll be shamed for doing so and there are those out there that aren’t even aware that there are people they can pay to come help them! Wherever you’re at in this journey, I want you to know that it’s ok to ask for help. If sleep is a source of struggle in your house, I want to help you make restful sleep a priority, so today I’m sharing more about the benefits of hiring a sleep coach.

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What you need to know about sleep training your baby

As a new parent you will receive so much advice once your baby arrives. And while that advice is coming from a good place, advice from your well-meaning friends can create confusion or doubt. Your own parents may insist that THIS is the only way to do it creating pressure and even guilt. The reality is, every baby and every family is completely unique and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to parenting. If there was, we’d have one (and only one) parenting book that everyone would read and follow.

One of the most talked about topics for you as a new parent happens to be a topic that we specialize in: baby sleep. People are so dang curious about your baby’s sleep.

“Is your baby getting enough sleep?”

“Is your baby sleeping through the night yet?”

“How many naps does your baby take?”

“Is your baby a good sleeper?”

And of course, “Do you plan to sleep train?”

That last one is a doozy too because there are so many misconceptions about sleep training. What one parent considers “sleep training” may be completely different than what another person considers “sleep training” so we’re going to take some time to clear up those misconceptions.

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Sleep Training Babies in Michigan

After years of supporting families in Southern California, my husband and I made the move to Detroit where I am now setting up shop to provide in-home sleep training support. Upon my arrival I was curious to see if Michigan was any different then California in the way the culture and society deals with the postpartum period. Unfortunately, it seems to be quite similar and it’s clear that many families are struggling.

The months after a baby is born can be an intense period of adjustment full of physical & hormonal changes for the mother, relationship changes for the couple, and severe sleep deprivation. As a postpartum doula and sleep coach, I constantly see families battling this chronic sleep deprivation that often plagues new parents. I see babies with bags under their eyes and parents barely able to cope.

To put it bluntly, I hate that this has become the societal norm and I want so badly to fix it.

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